On the 10th of June KONDOR Global hosted its quarterly held international webinar – moderated by Farkas Bársony Dr., Chairman, Global CEO – which was very warmly welcomed by our clients and by the Members of KONDOR Global. One of the guest speakers were our Slovenian members, Azra Begic Milanez and Martin Zalar who talked about the current TP situation in their country. It was followed by the presentation of Gyöngyi Antal who informed the audiance about the Multilateral Agreements modifying double tax treaties and Covid effect on international taxation and tax treaties. Gergely Czoboly Dr. gave again a brief update on the OEDC BEPS and linked international tax developments. We have also covered recent topics in the presentation of László Pásztor Global COO on the transfer pricing benchmarking guidance published by the Hungarian Tax Authority, an update on the KBCC – Kondor Benchmarking Competence Center by Tamás Berthold TP Manager, and recent developments in connection with the KONDOR Modul.
Huge thank you to all of the speakers and the organisers for their amazing work and obviously to all of our guests for their precious attention and participation.